description holding In Schools

Homeschool Record Keeping - description holding In Schools

Hi friends. Today, I discovered Homeschool Record Keeping - description holding In Schools. Which may be very helpful to me so you. description holding In Schools

Over the years, Nigerian school administrators, especially, the lslamiyyah schools had paid Lip services to the proper holding of records. All these schools do is plainly teach and graduate students. Any way as observed by Nti, (2000:12) in 1964, a headmaster of one traditional school in our neighboring Bauchi State was faced with one serious experience. A form containing many questionnaires about one of the old pupils of the school who was nominated to be appointed as the chairman of the Federal social service Commissioner was given to him to complete. The pupil graduated many years before the headmaster even went to traditional school. Therefore, the headmaster did not know the man personally and did not know what to write about him.

What I said. It is not the final outcome that the true about Homeschool Record Keeping. You read this article for information about that want to know is Homeschool Record Keeping.

Homeschool Record Keeping

The only explication ready to the headmaster was to turn to the school records. The school records showed the year the pupil was admitted, the year he passed out, the records of his good academic performance, records of each year prizes given to the pupil among others.

It was these records that helped the headmaster to correctly and accurately filled the form that assisted the man to be successfully appointed.

Definition Of Concepts

School records keeping: This view agreeing to Nti (2000:12) is the history of the school kept systematically. This means that the systematic increase of the school at various points in time need to be thoroughly recorded and kept by school administrators. It is the authentic register of instruments of officials accounts of transaction or accurance which are preserved in the schools office (Olanrewaju 200S).

Aleiyideino Sc et al (202) defined narrative as a written statement about a happening. School narrative holding agreeing to these scholars are records that give a lot of data about the school that will enable the authority to take decisions and asses the strengthen of the school. Head of School shall refer to both head trainer and principal.

Student: It shall be used to refer to both pupils and students. These records agreeing to Dibu-Ojerinde,00 and Tukur(ed) (2005:21) classified school records into (a) Statutory Records (b) academic Records (c) Finance Records (d) Staff Record(e) normal Records.

Also linking Muslim schools to the category of voluntary agencies curious in educational development, Eke, et al (2000:46) explained that the Izalatil bid'a Wa Iqamatis Sunnah group, the Jama'atu Nasrul Islam, is the Islamic Trust of Nigeria (Itn) among others have contributed immensely not only to the amelioration of schooling but also to proper school records holding in Nigeria. Here cognitive and productive domains are highly exhibited unlike social schools that deal with only cognitive domain.

It is in light of the above that we are going to discuss the classification of school records as listed by Dibu-Ojerinde 0.0 and Tukur follows:

A). Statutory Records

1. Admission Register

This is a register of admission, strengthen and seclusion of students, it should contain the following particulars about the admitted students.

(a) Admission estimate (b) Name in full (c) Sex (d) Name and address of parent/guardians (e) Day Month and year of birth (f) old school attended (g) Last class read (h) Day, month, class, of admission (i) Records of strengthen (j) date of leaving school (k) presuppose for leaving etc (1) transfer certificate number.

All the entries should be hand-written and corrections should be made in such a way that the traditional entry and the revising are both clearly distinguished. It should be kept for not less than fifteen (15) years from the date of last entry.

2. Attendance Register.

This is register that is kept for each class containing the particulars in respect of every pupil until such pupil leaves the school. Students' regular attendance or otherwise can be traced here easily, it should contain (a) Admission estimate (b) Name in full, sure name first etc.

3. Log Book.

This book contains records of prominent events happening in the school. The history of the school can be compiled from this record. It should be kept under lock and key.

4. Visitors Book

This is a narrative showing names, address of all prominent visitors to the school as well as the purpose of such visit.

5. Punishment Book

The schooling law permits only the head of school or his representative to enforce bodily punishment on erring students. A proper reoord is kept containing (a) The name of the offender (b) The date of such punishment (c) The nature of offence (d) the man who administered the punishment etc.

This narrative helps to protect the teachers against aggrieved parents. It can serve as gawk for the school to trace the trend of such students.

6. schooling Law

The school should keep schooling Law with its regulations to help the school in operating in line with such regulations.

7 National procedure On Education

Each school must have a copy of the National procedure on Education.

8, Inspection narrative File

This is a narrative containing the reports of visits to the school by inspectors as it helps during follow-up inspections.

9. Staff Duty Book.

This is a narrative that shows a brief narrative of happenings in the school on daily basis. In secondary schools, the perfects also write daily narrative in prefect duty book.

10. Minutes Of Meeting Book

There should be a hard cover book to be used for recording of minutes of meeting for easy reference to the decisions taken in meetings.

B). academic Record

i) beloved copy of syllabus

ii) academic Syllabus files

1. beloved Syllabus:

Academic programme of institutions are based on beloved syllabus of the procedure to be run, it could be traditional school syllabus, Nti syllabus for teachers colleges, Waec/Neco syllabus etc. The school need a syllabus to follow.

2. Task Of Work

This is the aspect that breakdown the syllabus into teaching units. It is broken down into topics, carrying out objectives, etc. Lit has to be kept by every trainer to be marked and endorsed by the headmaster.

3. narrative Of Work Book

This aspect additional break down the Task of work into weekly records of what the trainer has taught. It should be kept by teachers and cheeked and endorsed by the headmaster.

4. Part Note Book

One may call it Part plan, it is like the site plan for the architect. It is ready so that you succeed it without forgetting a process. It reduces your energy of remembering the next step to do while teaching. It should contain topic, date, time of the day, duration of the lesson, age, sex, and class. Others includes: aims and objective, old knowledge introduction, presentation evaluation and conclusion.

5. Marks Books

This is used in compiling continues evaluation (Ca) record. It is used to build up Ca as it is either on weekly, fortnightly or monthly as the case may be.

6. Continuous evaluation Dossier/Report Sheet

Schools used C.A dossier for exam records for every student. Two copies are needed for a student, one for the school and someone else one for the student. It should contain cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of the student.

7. School Time Table

This shows the daily activities of the school, class by class, duration by duration and the names of teachers handling them. It sums up the estimate of duration allocated to a subject and the estimate of subjects arid periods taught by a trainer in a week.

8. Part Attendance Register

It is kept by the class captain of each subject to be signed at the end of the duration by teachers. It can cheek teachers who do not go to classes as and when due

9. transfer Certificate

This is in a booklet form issued to students who leave the school before getting to the terminal class. It helps both the school releasing the students and the schools receiving students.

10. Leaving Certificate

Unclaimed certificates testimonials etc should be kept under key and luck

11. Files For academic Records Of different subject Matters Need To Be Kept

C). Finance Record

The school needs catalogue records such as:

i. Wage and cost voucher:- these are kept in labeled files to show Wage cost and other payments made in the school.

it School fees register:- It is kept to give the financial transactions in the school. It gives data about earnings and expenditure items. It promotes responsibility and prevents corrupt and sharp practices.

iii. Fees receipts:- It is issued to students as they pay fees while the duplicates is kept for auditor and inspectors.

iv. Cash Book:- It shows the receipts and payments of the school.

v. Ledger Book:- It is used to narrative all the debit and reputation transacts of the school.

vi. Bank Reconciliation to Reconcile the School Transaction with the bank (to come into agreement)

vii. Stock Book:- It is used to keep the catalogue of the landed asset and other assets of the school with liabilities shown.

viii. I.O.U Book:- This is used to service short term financial aid to staff, payable on cost of salary.

D). Staff Records:

i. Staff Time Book:- This is for staff attendance, it shows the tune each staff come to school (late corners cab be absolutely detected)

ii. Staff movement Book:- This is the narrative that indicate when staff move out of the school during school hours and when they returned.

iii. Staff Confidential Report: (Annual evaluation narrative Form-Aper Form) This is used for staff promotion and reward.

iv. Staff Files: Each member of staff should have a personal file, which contain the narrative of service with proper references.

v. Staff List:- List of staff suppose to be kept together with the school organization.

vi. Files on subject matter in the accounts need to be kept

E). Ejgeneral Records:

A school also need the following records:

i. Parents Teachers connection Minutes book

ii. Parents Teachers connection catalogue Book

iii. Board of Directors minutes Books

iv. Suggestion files and Box

v. schooling Book or Internal Circular File

vi. Correspondence Files on various Subjects

Importance Of narrative holding In The Schools

The point of narrative holding in schools agreeing to Olgboye Cited in Olararenwaji I.T (2009:1) and Dibu Ojermde and Tukur (ed) (2005:27), include;

1. It tells the history of the school

2. It facilitates continuity in the school administration

3. It facilitates and improve the provision of productive guidance and counseling service for students in the social vocation domains

4. Provides data needed on ex-students by higher and other associated convention and employers of labour for admission or placement.

5. Facilitate the contribute of data to parents or guardians for productive monitoring of the strengthen of their children in school or performance.

6. Provides data needed for planning and decision making by school authority

7. Provide' a basis for the objective evaluation of the state of teaching and studying in the school, together with staff and students carrying out by supervisors and inspectors.

8. contribute data for the school community, the normal public, employers, researchers for the advancement of knowledge.

9. It ensures that the headmaster keeps strictly to the schooling regulations.

10. School records can be used as reference materials for both the teachers and the administrators.

Abuses Of School Records

Some time agreeing to Aleiyideino, Sc et a! (2000:79) some school abuse records holding by:

1. Non availability of records:- They do not keep such records and cannot produce same when the need arise.

2. Problem of storage:- Some school have these records but are not properly stored agreeing to subject matter.

3. Ignorance on the part of head teachers:- Some head teachers are not even aware of the point of records holding in school or how to even keep these records.

4. Poor administration by Head trainer or supervisor:- Some Head teachers do not keep records because no body ask for such records.

5. If the data given are false or incomplete, it cannot give us spoton data needed.


This means that we must know the point of holding records and with specific and faultless data This will enable our schools to be up to date and sass to any interrogate or fill any form about our school without difficulties.


Olanrewaju, I.T (2008) point of narrative holding In School" being Paper Presented to the group of Phe University of Ilorin Pp 1-10.

2. Aleiyideini, Sc et al (2002)"Record Keeping" in Nti (2002) School administration procedure Book On schooling pp 69-78

3. Eke E(2000)"School administration and Management" In Nti (2000) schooling Cycle 4. Pp 12-13

4. Dibu Ojerinde, 0.0 and Tukur, H (2005) "Record Keeping" Inspection hand-operated in Nti Pgde by Dls. Pp2 1-27.

Mal. Abdulkarim N. Bello
College Of Education, Jalingo
Taraba State, Nigeria.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Homeschool Record Keeping. Where you possibly can put to use within your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is passed about Homeschool Record Keeping.


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